Wood Pressed Oils: Navigating Myths and Facts

Wood Pressed Oils: Navigating Myths and Facts

In today's era, where everybody focuses on health, wood pressed oils have gained immense popularity due to their numerous health benefits and natural extraction process. However, there are several myths surrounding these oils that have led to confusion among consumers. 

This article will debunk common myths about wood pressed oils and explore the nutritional facts, and wood pressed oil benefits of various types, including sesame, castor, coconut, groundnut, and mustard oil. By the time you've finished reading this, you'll know exactly why wood pressed oils suit your general health.

Introduction of Wood Pressed Oils

Since ancient times, wood-pressed oils, sometimes called cold-pressed or traditional oils, have been used as a healthy food source and flavour enhancer. 

  • Using a wooden press to crush seeds or nuts preserves the oil's natural quality without using chemicals in the traditional extraction process. 
  • This delicate extraction procedure guarantees that the oil has flavour, aroma, and nutritional value.

Understanding the Myths and Facts Surrounding Wood Pressed Oils

Before discussing the nutritional facts and wood pressed oil benefits, let's understand some common myths surrounding them. 

The idea that wood-pressed oils are healthier than refined oils is a common misconception. 

  • This myth is based on the idea that refined oils have undergone more processing and are better for cooking. 
  • Wood pressed oils are much healthier since they retain the natural antioxidants and minerals frequently lost during refining.


Another myth holds that compared to refined oils, wood-pressed oils have a shorter shelf life.

  • Since they don't contain preservatives, wood-pressed oils may have a shorter shelf life than other oils, but this may be avoided by keeping them in a cold, dark place. 
  • Additionally, the fact that they have a shorter shelf life really indicates their purity and freshness.


Debunking Myths and Nutrition Fact for Sesame Wood Pressed Oils

Wood pressed sesame oil is known for its distinct nutty flavour and abundant health benefits. Some myths and nutrition fact for sesame wood pressed oils are:

Sesame oil frequently comes with the misconception that it is unhealthy since it contains a lot of fat. 

  • However, most of the fat in sesame oil is made up of beneficial unsaturated fats, which are necessary for our bodies to function correctly. 
  • These fats support heart health by lowering dangerous cholesterol levels.

Another myth is that wood pressed sesame oil is not suitable for cooking at high temperatures. 

  • On the other hand, Sesame oil has a high smoke point, making it perfect for various cooking techniques, such as stir-frying and deep-frying. 
  • Additionally, the oil has natural antioxidants that prevent rancidity at high temperatures.

Wood Pressed Castor Oil Nutritional Facts and Benefits

Castor oil is derived from the seeds of the castor plant, which has long been valued for its medicinal properties. 

  • Contrary to common belief, castor oil has several health benefits and should not only be used topically. 
  • Ricinoleic acid has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, and other essential fatty acids are abundant in castor oil. 
  • It can also encourage hair development, moisturise the skin, ease constipation, and even strengthen the immune system.
  • When it comes to nutritional facts, castor oil is a good source of vitamin E, which acts as a powerful antioxidant. 
  • Additionally, it includes minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron. 
  • You can get these necessary nutrients and improve your general health by including wood pressed castor oil in your diet.

Exploring the Wood Pressed Coconut Oil Nutrition Facts

For a good reason, coconut oil is one of the most widely used wood-pressed oils. 

  • It is packed with nutritional advantages that can significantly enhance your health. 
  • Contrary to popular belief, coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are not harmful due to their high saturated fat content. 
  • Coconut oil is a fantastic source of rapid fuel for your body because these MCTs are easily ingested and transformed into energy.
  • Due to the presence of lauric acid, coconut oil is also known for its antibacterial qualities. 
  • Lauric acid can strengthen your immune system by helping in fighting against dangerous bacteria, viruses, and fungi. 
  • Additionally, coconut oil is an excellent source of antioxidants that can fight free radicals and reduce inflammation.

Wood Pressed Groundnut Oil Nutrition Facts and Benefits

Peanut oil, commonly referred to as groundnut oil, is a common cooking ingredient and is renowned for having a distinctive flavour. 

Wood Pressed Groundnut Oil Nutrition Facts and Benefits



    Wood pressed oils are healthier than refined oils and provide several nutritional advantages. In this post, we studied the nutritional information and benefits of sesame, castor, coconut, groundnut, and mustard oils and debunked popular myths about wood-pressed oils. 

    By including these oils in your diet on a regular basis, you may improve your general health and benefit from their all-natural goodness. Therefore, for a healthier and better culinary experience, think about switching to wood pressed oils the next time you reach for cooking oil.

    So get the best quality wood pressed oils from Nayesha Oil Mills and live a healthy life. Book your order now!



    Q.1: What are wood pressed oils? 

    Ans: Wood pressed oils are extracted using traditional wooden presses, retaining natural flavours and nutrients for healthier consumption.


    Q.2: Are wood pressed oils healthier than other oils? 

    Ans: Yes, wood pressed oils are more nutritious due to minimal processing, preserving antioxidants and nutrients beneficial for overall well-being.


    Q.3: Can wood pressed oils be used for cooking at high temperatures? 

    Ans: Wood-pressed oils are best suited for low to medium-heat cooking as they have lower smoke points than refined oils.


    Q.4: Do wood pressed oils improve heart health? 

    Ans: Incorporating wood pressed oils in your diet supports heart health with their better fat profile and natural compounds.


    Q.5: How do I identify authentic wood pressed oils? 

    Ans: Look for certifications and reputable sources, and check labels for purity to ensure you're buying original wood-pressed oils.

  • Tags: nutrition fact for sesame wood pressed oils wood pressed castor oil nutritional facts wood pressed coconut oil nutrition facts Wood pressed groundnut oil wood pressed groundnut oil nutrition facts wood pressed oil wood pressed oil benefits Wood pressed s
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